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Monday 12 September 2011

Spring Moon

We are currently in the beginning of a very powerful time in accordance with the moon. Today we experienced the first full moon for spring.

I love the high energy which is created when the moon is at its fullest. Its a wonderful time of celebration, a time when our bodies are flowing with energy. Children can be quite in tune with the natural rhythms of the moons forces and I will usually notice this is a time when my kids are a little more 'crazy' then usual, as they resist bedtime and seem like they are oozing with an endless supply of 'aliveness'.

During the full moon phase our bodies are also at its peak of absorbing. Its the perfect time to gather herbs and use them for medicinal purposes. Tonight we gathered from our gardens a sprig of wormwood each which we all ate as a natural preventative worming remedy. Therefore, this time is also regarded as a very unfavorable time to indulge in a high fat, artificial, preservative laden and generally unhealthy meal as our bodies will greatly absorb the ills of our food, so it is best to eat minimal or purely organic, raw meals only.

The night of the full moon is also a wonderful time to sleep under the stars and allow your whole being be consumed by the silvery glow of the full moon.

Last night we all did just that. Armed with hot water bottles, winter pajamas and layers of blankets, we set up an overnight camp on the trampoline and slept under the rays of the full moon. 
Camping out on the trampoline under the full moon

Surrounded by the energy of the full moon and bright orbs
The full moon is also a perfect time to get amongst nature and celebrate this exciting time of the moon cycle so our bodies can absorb its beauty and harmony.

This morning we woke to a beautiful spring morning and packed the car with some fresh organic raw food and headed out bush. The kids got bare and played amongst nature while we enjoyed a memorable raw organic picnic and a day of beauty and simple pleasures. 

Catching tadpoles

Natural beauty

Taking in a moment of peace

Over the next couple of weeks, we will see the moon in its waning phase, a time when the moon will slowly become smaller, until it will completely disappear from view in the night skies and become a 'new moon' or 'dark moon'.

This is a very significant time of the year as this will be the waning moon of spring. During the waning moon phase, our bodies will be at its peak of detoxifying and washing out. It will allow our bodies to naturally breathe out and clear out. This waning moon is more significant as it coinsides with the yearly cycle of the season of spring, also a natural time for detoxifying. So this time of the waning moon will have double the effect.

I will be using this significant and powerful time of the year to perform another detoxifying juice fast. I will be aiming to juice fast for a period of about a week. It is believed that a fast taken during this time of the year can have a stronger purifying effect that can last an entire year. Detoxifying is more effective closer to the new moon so I will begin in another week.

Not only will I be using this time to cleanse my body, but I will be cleansing my environment. Work involving cleaning or clearing out is much more effective and will be easier achieved when undertaken during this time of the moon in spring.  I will be clearing out clutter, spring cleaning the garden, getting up to date in the laundry, airing out my bedding and performing a general all round spring clean of my surrounds. A great way to simplify our living space.

I will also be using this time to clear my mind of negative emotions and old grudges. It a time of releasing and forgetting. A time of saying goodbye to negativity and anything you no longer want to be burdened with. The most powerful day of making this final release of all that is of no benefit, or bad habits is on the day of this coming new moon. The new moon represents a day of new beginnings, a day of throwing out the old and welcoming the new - a day of a final release to leave behind unwanted emotions or characteristics and opening up to a 'new age'. Its also the day when the body is at its complete peak for detoxification and purifying. A day when woman should naturally menstruate. 

I will also be choosing this day of the new moon to make a list of new personal goals I want to achieve for the future and make them happen from that day onwards as we will be forging into the new cycle of a new beginning. Spring is regarded as a time of renewal, so once again goals set on the day of the new moon in spring are more likely to be achieved with the natural force of the season and moon cycle combined.  

I will be updating regularly my journey through this powerful time of the waning moon and new moon in spring and would recommend everyone to use this time also to feel the universes natural forces and use its power to benefit your lives.

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