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Follow me on my journey through Motherhood, the Divine world of Raw Organic Eating, Greater Spiritual Awarness and a life that will eventually lead to Self Sufficiency and Complete Contentment.......This is my journey.....

Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 4 of detox....

Another day in detox land and I feel fantastic. Energy levels are high and hunger pains are absent. I feel lighter and clearer in mind and body.

Today the kids and I went 'foraging' on our bikes. Kalgoorlie has the perfect climate to grow an abundance of citrus fruit and almost every second house in the town has one growing. Some of the back lanes have overhanging branches loaded with orange, mandarin or lemons just rotting. Today we gathered a wonderful supply of old fashioned lemons and a few madarins. Often we will also just knock on the front door and ask to pick the fruit if the tree is not accessible from the outside. Most people respond with a 'help yourself, they are just wasting away'. With all of this home grown local produce going to waste, I began to envision a yearly Kalgoorlie event - 'The great citrus pick'. A day when volunteers go around picking the unwanted fruit in all the backyard trees of donating locals to be sold at St Barbara's Square in the centre of town with all money raised going to charity, or even just freely given away to anyone who wanted a bag. It seems like such a waste, and the weirdest thing is, people are buying these same fruit in the local supermarkets eveveryday, yet they are rotting at the base of trees in their own town, even possibly their neighbours tree!    

Anyway, back on my detox...a lot of people shy away from fasting and detoxing because they think they couldn't survive without food for a day, but that is far from the truth. The benefits are amazing. I actually look forward to my regular fasting periods and enjoy the benefits long after. I will usually base the timing around the new moon, as it is waning, because this is the time of the moon cycle when our bodies are naturally detoxifying and cleansing. Its a time to slow down and look within. Fasting is exactly that. As for the time I will spend on a fast depends on my body and a lot on my family life. Now that Michael is back to eating meals and I have a couple of raw food social engagements next week, to make life easier, I will enjoy one more day of juicing tomorrow, before slowly introducing whole fruit and then salads the following days.
I have began to get 'organised' for my return to the land of the eating, by soaking a collection of seeds for sprouting, which I intend to document in the following blogs, and some kamut and spelt grain to try my hand at my first batch of Essene Bread. I am also intending on trialling some raw oat and buckwheat porridge recipes to make a comforting breakfast for the early worker in our house that gets up at 4.30am. I will post the results to those experiments in the comming days. Stay tuned......

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